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First Ignite Youth Ministry

Check the 1st Ignite Youth Ministry social media pages for the latest news and updates! 

Instagram feed: @first_ignite_youth 

Facebook page: First Ignite Youth

Snapchat: message group



First Ignite Youth Ministry

We're a faith family focused on Jesus!

First Ignite Youth Ministry welcomes
Bro. Frank and Sis. Angelica Martinez
into leadership under the direction of
our Senior Pastor, Rev. Jim Munns. 
Frank & Angelica Martinez.jpg
After three years of service in youth ministry at First Assembly of God, Tucson, Rev. Elizabeth Tegart has resigned to accept a ministry leadership position in New York state. 


What a journey it has been!! We've been in the Word together for three years focusing on our growth patterns in God; from "Planting Seeds" and "Pulling Weeds" all the way to "I Declare War!" This has been a glorious journey. 

I pray that you never lose sight of your calling and that you always live in personal holiness that allows the anointing to flow through you to a hurting world. Be a willing vessel for the Holy Spirit and live your faith out loud! I love each of you dearly and will continue in prayer for your life and your destiny!                                                                                                                                              Yours truly, Sis. Liz


First Ignite Youth Ministry believes in maturing spiritually and emotionally

so that we have healthy relationships with God and others.  


The process of maturing means shining the light of God on dark places in our lives and inviting Him to change us

from the inside out. A person never changes in areas that they never address! 


We believe the Word of God is our standard and Jesus is our example. As we mature, God empowers us to minister to others and heal the hurting. Our mission is to be ready and to always say "Yes" to God. 

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Revelation 12:11 NKJV

First Ignite Youth Testimony Service!

First Assembly of God
Tucson, Arizona

520-624-0981 Office


1749 E Broadway Blvd

Tucson, AZ 85719

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