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Our heart is to serve every parishioner with the truth of God's Word. We engage in teaching through pulpit ministry and small study groups for all ages.

We believe that even the youngest heart will respond to the loving voice of God's truth connecting them to their Creator and His plan for their life. We believe that the eldest among us benefit greatly from hearing how they are valued, cherished and how their acquired wisdom is crucial in mentoring younger Christians. For everyone from the youngest to the eldest, we believe that the desire to know God in a deeper and more intimate way brings us into fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It is through creating an atmosphere of seeking God that our members and general attendees grow in their individual relationship with Him, and our local church body is strengthened in resolve to live a life that honors Christ.

Classroom of children
Children's Ministry

From weekly Children's Church services to annual Vacation Bible School events, we have purposed to invest the treasure of God's Word in the hearts of our children through the ministry of King's Kids. 

Marriage Preparation

For those who seek to have Pastoral Counseling prior to marriage, our Senior Pastor - Rev. Jim Munns provides couples with a series of counseling sessions to help navigate the difficult questions and provide contemplative processes for those couples who seek to seal their union in the eyes of God and witnesses at First Assembly of God, Tucson. 

Groomsman with colorful socks
Uplifted Young Adults
Teen & Young Adult Ministry

Our Ignite Youth Group meets on Fridays. Our Youth Group leaders have a great interest in providing a clear message on living for God in a world of distraction and waning morality. You can find the Youth Group page on Facebook @ 'First Assembly of God Youth' :)

Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry group currently meets with the co-ed group on Wednesday evenings. This group is designed to coordinate outreach such as: making blankets for the homeless, coordinating food drives, and care packages for USA military personnel. The group 's purpose is to lift prayer needs of those in attendance and provide prayer covering for one another throughout the week. 

Woman smiling
men smiling
Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry group currently joins the co-ed group on Wednesday evenings for Bible study at 7:00pm. This group is designed to provide encouragement to men through prayer, practical help, and sharing biblical wisdom. 

Volunteer Opportunities

There are numerous opportunities for service work at

First Assembly of God, Tucson. You can contact the church office to get more information on the service work available in maintenance, cleaning, and facilities. Service work can be a one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly commitment. We also track service hours for Community Service requirements. 

Volunteer service
First Assembly of God
Tucson, Arizona

520-624-0981 Office


1749 E Broadway Blvd

Tucson, AZ 85719

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