The title and job of "Father" is special and shared with the Almighty. Our challenge for each father is to earnestly seek the Heavenly Father's heart in raising your children. You have the incredible blessing of fathering in the dispensation of grace. Challenges like those which ancient fathers, like Abraham, faced have been answered in the life of Jesus Christ. You are blessed to father children in this age!
If you're struggling to see the practical way that God has fathered His children, it can be summed up by the phrase "protective, sacrificial love." He is not easily angered, He is not passive, He is forgiving. He understands weakness, He sets the bar high and then helps us to reach it. He equips, He supplies, He covers.
Yes, He is love and His acts communicate that love.
Be encouraged to walk closely with the Holy Spirit. You need godly wisdom to raise godly children in this fallen world. Ask Him, frequently, to guide your thoughts, words, and actions as you father and raise the next generation.
You are up to the challenge, dad. We believe in you!